115th Fighter Wing: Mission
The federal mission is to deliver dominant combat air power and provide agile support for domestic operations.

- Expertise in Explosive Ordnance Disposal; Counter Drug Operations; Aerospace Control Alert commitment; Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense (CBRNE) Enhanced Response; and Debris Clearance Package.
- Recent deployments to Iraq, Poland, Japan, and South Korea
- Regional first responders for military ordnance disposal, trained and equipped to detect and neutralize explosive devices
- Dedicated F-16 pilots and aircraft available for immediate response 24/7
- Provides capability to counter aerospace threats
- Ready to respond to potential threats inside or outside U.S. airspace
- Provide explosive threat security to VIPs throughout the U.S.
- RC-26 aircraft relays real-time visual data of natural and man-made disasters
- Provides medical, fatality recovery, and communications support
- Available 24/7 for FEMA and military deployment
The state mission is to protect life and property and preserve peace, order, and public safety

- Security Forces trained to counter threats outside military installations
- Provides critical emergency assistance to civil authorities
- Supports natural disasters, counter drug and border security operations
- Deployed airmen provided critical communication, public affairs, and food service operations support in response to Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Maria
- Primary fire and rescue for Dane County Regional Airport
- First responder assistance to surrounding communities
- Contributes $13 million in facilities, equipment, and manpower to local economy